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This page will carry news about the project as it develops and moves through its various phases, highlighting any important new findings. We will also post news of other publications, seminars, conferences or events that are relevant to this project.


See our presentation for the Cambridge Architectural History Seminars on Robert and James Adam: The Grand Tour Correspondence and Writings on YouTube

Our lecture was given on 16 November 2020 as part of the Cambridge Architectural History Seminars. These seminars, hosted at Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, are organised by Jana Schuster, Jeremy Musson FSA and Dr James Campbell. 

Hannah Kašpar (PhD candidate, University of Leeds) shares her current work on Layers of London, ‘Adam’s London Craft Network’

Freely accessible via the platform Layers of London, ‘Adam’s London Craft Network uses digital mapping technologies to trace Robert Adam’s subcontracted network. Based on archival research, this data offers new insights into the distribution of artists, craftspeople, businesses and institutions with ties to the Adam office. The collection spans a variety of trades – from painters, plasterers, carpenters, stonemasons and sculptors, to brickmakers, metalsmiths, plumbers, slaters and glaziers. ‘Craft clusters’ are visible at parish and street level, revealing interactivity between trades and affinities for specific neighbourhoods.  

Article about our project published in The Architectural Historian

The September 2020 issue of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain magazine (The Architectural Historian) published our short article describing our project: Robert and James Adam’s Grand Tour letters and writings 1754–63

See the Resources page for the pdf of the published article

News of our project published in the Burlington Magazine

The August 2020 issue of the Burlington Magazine carried a letter announcing the start of our project: Robert and James Adam’s Grand Tour letters and writings 1754–63

See the Resources page for the pdf of the published letter




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